
Posts Tagged ‘making’

“The Making of the Title” – Special Blog Feature.

In Uncategorized on October 30, 2008 at 11:48 am

I always title my web-pages, blogs, photo-share etc, with Appoose’. Note the apostrophe appears at the right most bit.  The syntactical correct form should be “Appoose’s”. However, ever since I made the initial typo; I have fallen more and more in love with the apostrophe at the end.

The reason. I love to consider myself as a plural being. Different pieces in constant argument, motion and reverberance to form a amazing self-organising network called ‘me’. The plurality comes in many domains; for example, biological, intellectual and social. The one aspect I love to track about myself is the flow of ideas inside me, across me and through me.

Now coming to the second word; ‘perturbations’. I am person who think very ‘locally’. Unfortunately often the task of finding a global picture or its placement does not come naturally to me. And, I have to struggle hard; especially if the local and temporally short live thoughts have not been captured and recorded. Moreover, I believe I am at my best when I am thinking locally. The moments in which the strains of thoughts suddenly make a weird collage in my mind, uniquely perturbed from my earlier mental models. These perturbations are special and essentially constitutes a major portion of me. The very perturbations I am trying to capture; motivated by the fear that I will loose it if not recorded.

For example I just re-noticed, my classic affinity towards trios (refer to the last two sentence of the paragraph earlier) or maybe this affinity is something my local universe has imparted on me (for eg, ‘for the people’, ‘of the people’ and ‘by the people’). The ol’ fashion narcissist in me will like to re-mix it as, the purpose of this writing is to capture the sentiment (’for me’ , ‘of me’ and ‘by me’).