
Archive for April, 2009|Monthly archive page

Plagiarism in Mainstream Indian Press

In Uncategorized on April 13, 2009 at 2:51 pm

There was time not so long ago I used to wait for the paper-wala to drop my English daily (‘The Hindu’ specifically) in the morning.  The evolution of Indian press from a honest, credible institution to a malignant, over-sensationalist and dishonest form never fail to impress me. Now a days it doesn’t take much time to discover that the projected ivory tower is full of hypocritical, covetous frauds, whose sole intention is to defend their reader count at any cost.

Just came across the below flickr group

If you follow the discussion in the group, it is evident that the press is comfortably numb and arrogant over the whole thing. This post is to show my solidarity to all the photographers (and bloggers) whose work has been shamelessly stolen by the mainstream press. Please do take your fight to the very end.